WOW Leap Inc.

Women with Disabilities LEAP to Social and Economic Progress
Women with Disabilities LEAP to Social and Economic Progress

Visionary Leadership for Women with Disabilities

Women with Disabilities Leap to Social and Economic Progress (WOWLEAP) is a non-profit organization committed to fostering social and economic advancement for women and girls with disabilities in the Philippines. Founded in 2000 and officially registered with the SEC in 2001, WOWLEAP, the organization is backed by respected entities, including the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Australia (DFAT-Australia), Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Germany (ASB Germany), and Christian Blind Mission Global Inc. (CBM Global Inc.).

Building a More Inclusive Future Together

At the forefront of WOWLEAP’s leadership are the passionate women with disabilities who tirelessly champion positive change for their community. Between 2002 and 2006, WOWLEAP initiated regional leadership development workshops, establishing ten regional federations of women with disabilities nationwide. Recognized by various government agencies since 2008, WOWLEAP stands as the nation’s foremost advocate for women with disabilities.

Our team comprises dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, all united by our common goal of empowering and advocating for an inclusive Philippines.

Carmen Zubiaga

WOW Leap President